lek-2 (: lek-) and lēk- : lǝk- (*leĝh-) — lek 2 (: lek ) and lēk : lǝk (*leĝh ) English meaning: joint, member; to bend, wind Deutsche Übersetzung: in Worten for “Gliedmaßen” and for “biegen, winden, springen, zappeln” Material: O.Ind. r̥kṣalü “Fußgelenk by Huftieren”… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
лоно — укр. лоно, лонє грудь , блр. лонi мн., ж. пригоршня, охапка , ст. слав. лоно κόλπος (Супр.), болг. лоно, чеш. lůnо лоно , слвц. lоnо, польск. ɫоnо лоно, колени, грудь , стар. половые органы , ɫonisty вздутый, выпуклый, складчатый , в. луж., н.… … Этимологический словарь русского языка Макса Фасмера
ляга — I ляга I., уменьш. ляжка; отсюда лягать(ся), последнее в диал. также в знач. качаться ; лягушка, возм., связано с др. чеш. lihati двигать, шевелить , польск. диал. ligac лягаться, бить ногой , ligawka, ligawica скользкий грунт, болото, топь ; см … Этимологический словарь русского языка Макса Фасмера
A good leg — Leg Leg (l[e^]g), n. [Icel. leggr; akin to Dan. l[ae]g calf of the leg, Sw. l[ a]gg.] 1. A limb or member of an animal used for supporting the body, and in running, climbing, and swimming; esp., that part of the limb between the knee and foot.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Leg — (l[e^]g), n. [Icel. leggr; akin to Dan. l[ae]g calf of the leg, Sw. l[ a]gg.] 1. A limb or member of an animal used for supporting the body, and in running, climbing, and swimming; esp., that part of the limb between the knee and foot. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Leg bail — Leg Leg (l[e^]g), n. [Icel. leggr; akin to Dan. l[ae]g calf of the leg, Sw. l[ a]gg.] 1. A limb or member of an animal used for supporting the body, and in running, climbing, and swimming; esp., that part of the limb between the knee and foot.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Legs of a triangle — Leg Leg (l[e^]g), n. [Icel. leggr; akin to Dan. l[ae]g calf of the leg, Sw. l[ a]gg.] 1. A limb or member of an animal used for supporting the body, and in running, climbing, and swimming; esp., that part of the limb between the knee and foot.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Legs of an hyperbola — Leg Leg (l[e^]g), n. [Icel. leggr; akin to Dan. l[ae]g calf of the leg, Sw. l[ a]gg.] 1. A limb or member of an animal used for supporting the body, and in running, climbing, and swimming; esp., that part of the limb between the knee and foot.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
On one's last legs — Leg Leg (l[e^]g), n. [Icel. leggr; akin to Dan. l[ae]g calf of the leg, Sw. l[ a]gg.] 1. A limb or member of an animal used for supporting the body, and in running, climbing, and swimming; esp., that part of the limb between the knee and foot.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
On one's legs — Leg Leg (l[e^]g), n. [Icel. leggr; akin to Dan. l[ae]g calf of the leg, Sw. l[ a]gg.] 1. A limb or member of an animal used for supporting the body, and in running, climbing, and swimming; esp., that part of the limb between the knee and foot.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
To have legs — Leg Leg (l[e^]g), n. [Icel. leggr; akin to Dan. l[ae]g calf of the leg, Sw. l[ a]gg.] 1. A limb or member of an animal used for supporting the body, and in running, climbing, and swimming; esp., that part of the limb between the knee and foot.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English